Did you catch the meteor shower (shooting stars) from last night (November 21)? ...neither did I. I wish I did though! I have always been fascinated by almost any/everything interstellar. I like catching space activities like meteor shower, inter-planetary missions, deep journey through space, and the possibility of colonizing other planets. I read an article recently about Colonizing Titan - Saturn's largest moons. Good read!
I also like the idea that beneath the icy surface of Europa - one of Jupiter's moon - extra-terrestrial life may actually be present!
Some Christians may find the remaining part of this post offensive or not Biblical. All of the information on this post are based on my personal opinion and how my brain works to comprehend some information.
'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.' Genesis 1:1
Did you notice how from Genesis 1:2 all the way to Jude 1 the focus shifts and stays on the second part of what God created 'the earth'? I can make the same argument for Revelations, but that's for another day.
I truly believe in the existence of extra terrestrial! Before you ask/think, Yes, I am a born-again child of the Most High God, baptized with Water and the Holy Spirit; I firmly believe every jot of what the Holy Bible says. It is out of what the Bible says (or did not say) that I came to this conclusion.
Let me explain...
When I say extra terrestrial I'm talking about a life form/being on another terrestrial plain/planet/solar system/galaxy.
I believe that God in His infinite wisdom and creativity is (not 'was', but is and always will be) looking out for us (mankind) from creation to the end.
I don't think the creativity of the Most High God was and is limited to life on this planet alone.
In addition, I don't think there are any alien species/beings capable of intergalactic travels. If there were, they would have made themselves known by now. We have records dating back to over 3,000 years and not one mention of an alien invasion. Go figure!
Romans 10:9-10 says 'that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.'
Focusing on the creation story makes me realize...
The fact that the Bible does not mention Mars, or Jupiter, or our Sun being just one of about 200 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy alone does not mean that God did not create any of those.
Let's bring it home...
The fact that your present situation/circumstance, whether self-inflicted, or un-willfully imposed does not mean that you were not made to shine! There is more to you than what everyone sees.
There's a part of our being/existence we often see (e.g. the second part of what God created in Genesis 1:1, the earth) and there are those parts we may not be aware of (e.g. the first part of what God created in Genesis 1:1, the heavens) . Often times the parts we don't see or are unaware of are much larger and greater than the parts we see. This does not eliminate the fact that these parts of us exists.
I charge you today to reach in and ask God to reveal to you beautiful parts of you He created! No extra work needs to be done on His side; you just need to know that you were made with His best intentions!
Jeremiah 1:5,10 says '“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” 10. See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, To root out and to pull down, To destroy and to throw down, To build and to plant.”' Psalms 139:14 says 'I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.'
Billions upon billions of dollars are spent each year to discover the final frontier, Space, and it is exciting to see bits and pieces like when we landed Rover on Mars, or some pictures of Jupiter as taken by Juno as it journeys through space.
Take some time to discover the best and most beautiful parts of you! It may take longer that you think. Don't let you present circumstance determine that for you. Remember, You're not on someone else's time but your own. Allow God! You owe it to yourself to do so! Talk to God, humbly allow Him to lead and reveal this to you. I believe you will love the You you discover.