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New You!

Philippians 3:13 - Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth to those things which are before.

On the first day of every year, millions of people talk about and decide on changes they intend to make for that year. Unfortunately, this is also the day lots and lots of people also experience deep regret for things they didn’t accomplish in the previous year; unattained goals, unfulfilled promises, hampered spiritual growth. This is undoubtedly one of many vulnerabilities of men and women. And Satan is aware of this.

When Satan tries to harass or bring back to memory your past, it is important that we do like Jesus did in Matthew 16:23. Speak out loud in boldness and with authority “…Get thee behind me, Satan….” Speak to those thoughts like they are enemies sent from the devil. Don’t listen to them! Satan will tell you lies like,

  • "what other people think about you is important and being who people want you to be is the pathway to love and acceptance."

And we believe this lie.

I want to let you know A TRUTH today:

  • "Love isn’t earned. It’s freely given. Jesus didn’t lay down His life for us because we earned it. He laid down his life for us because we could never earn His love and it had to be freely given." 1 John 3:16 says By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

Rather than regret what you didn’t do, decide to spend some quality time with the Lord. Stop wallowing in regret about something in the past that you cannot do anything about, shake it off, and start thanking God for the opportunity presented to you for a new start. This new opportunity is a golden chance to make serious changes in your life.

When the right person comes along, he or she won’t reject you. And it’s not because you’ve mastered the art of earning people’s love and acceptance. All the superficial things that Satan focuses your attention on won’t matter. This person will love you simply because his or her love is freely given.

Meditate on the words of apostle Paul in Philippians 3:13. Today focus on “…forgetting those things which are behind…”. Put it behind you. Put it out of your mind. Wipe it out. Erase it from your memory. Forget it. Stop thinking about it. Be oblivious to it. The whole idea is to “Leave it behind and never revisit it!”

Make today the first day of a brand-new beginning. Repent for past failures. Begin to reach for the wonderful possibilities that lies before you.


Father, I receive your forgiveness. Thank you for this new opportunity for me to make serious changes in my life. I ask for, and receive your help to fulfill Your will for my life. Today I make the decision to put aside memories of past failures by faith, and reach to the future You have planned for me. Amen.

Inspired by a devotional written by BabaTunde Idumu on November 18, 2017 and by - Rejection Does't Mean You're Unlovable by Matt Stickel
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